Friday, October 29, 2010

Gender and Development

As the Afghan government is making strides to come to a common peace agreement, Afghan women are concerned that a national peace settlement will undermine efforts to increase women's rights in the country. President Hamid Karzai increased efforts to reach a consensus with Taliban leaders is seen as a vital step towards ending the war, however many Afghan women worry what this peace agreement will it mean for women's rights in the country. Former president, Burhanuddin Rabbani, head of the new Afghan peace council and former president of Afghanistan, is convinced that some members of the Taliban are ready for a negotiated peaceful end to the nine-year war, but some human rights groups are skeptical and worry that de-facto Taliban officials would sell woman's rights to participate in the parliament. As the international community is pushing for greater efforts to improve governance in the country, what will this mean for other initiatives within the context of development?

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